When one becomes incapacitated due to injury or medical condition, his or her love ones are left to deal with many challenges and obstacles. A properly drafted and executed Power of Attorney can relieve and minimize some of the challenges. A Power of Attorney is a legally enforceable document in which one individual appoints another individual the power to act on his or her behalf. The appointed individual is vested with the power to make financial decisions for the benefit of the incapacitated individual. The appointed individual is only granted the authority to act on behalf of and for the benefit of the incapacitated individual. Many people fail to obtain a Power of Attorney only to end up incapacitated and then their family members are struggling to pay bills and maintain financial obligations. These struggles can be avoided with a properly executed Power of Attorney.
Contact the Law Office of Casey P. Mullen at 412-403-5691 to protect your loved ones and obtain a Power of Attorney. Allow us the opportunity to assist you with all of your estate planning needs.